The Laboratory
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Engineered Biomicrosystems LaboratoryMechanical Engineering Department
D Building, Room D116 Lab space has facilities for additive micromanufacturing, tissue culture, live-cell fluorescence imaging, and wet lab chemistry as well as hardware for image processing and computational modeling and simulations.
Equipment and Services
Nikon Ti2-E Inverted Fluorescence Microscope
- Automated multi-channel multi-position time-lapse fluorescence imaging with motorized encoded stage and z-drive.
- Live cell imaging with Okolab stage-top incubator
- LED fluorescence illumination
Tissue Culture
- Biosafety cabinet (NÜVE MN120 )
- CO2 incubator (NÜVE EC160)
- Tabletop centrifuge (NÜVE NF800 )
- Water bath (NÜVE NB9 )
- Autoclave (NÜVE NC40M)
- Tissue culture microscope (Nikon TS2)
- Ultrapure water purification system (Millipore Q3 Direct)
- Lab refrigerator (+4degC)/freezer (-20degC) (Thermo Scientific ES Series)
- Cryogenic storage system (Thermo Scientific Biocane47)
Additive Micromanufacturing
- Masked Stereolithography (MSLA)
- Anycubic Photon Mono 4K 3D printer
- Anycubic Photon S 3D printer
- Anycubic Wash and Cure Station
- Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
- 3D3 Megamaker S3 3D printer
Wet Lab Chemistry
- Analytical scale
- Vortex
- Heated magnetic stirrer
- Vacuum desiccator
- Ultrasonic water bath
- Fume hood
Last Updated:
01/06/2023 - 11:47